3 minutes
August 20, 2024
Arkadiy Kreslov

Director and Fashion Photographer Nata Ivanov

‘I'm still that dream-chasing girl, and the bigger the goal, the more captivating the journey. Now, I'm not only having childlike fun, but also getting paid for it – even better, lol’

Embark on the enchanting journey of Nata Ivanova, a versatile talent in the realms of commercial and music video direction, as well as fashion photography. Raised in Ukraine and now based in Europe, Nata's creative odyssey began with a simple request for a camera that eventually unfolded into a captivating career. In this exclusive interview, Nata shares the intriguing story of her evolution, offering insights into her influences, project selection philosophy, and the delicate balance between art and commerce.

Who are you and how did you start your career?

“Nata Ivanova, commercial/music video director and fashion photographer, in Ukraine raised, in Europe based.

In a nutshell, I asked my parents for a camera to have my friends take pictures of me, but ended up me taking pics of them against a bedsheet backdrop. Model agencies noticed, and I became a photographer. I tested the waters in Kyiv, snapping models during study breaks. Magazines followed, featuring local brands, and soon brands were inviting me to their shoots. It's been a steady climb. It took a good five years, but then I finally scored a normal fee for my work, making me believe things could actually work out.”

What's the best part about being a director/photographer?

“You don't have to work. That’s the best. I'm still that dream-chasing girl, and the bigger the goal, the more captivating the journey. Now, I'm not only having childlike fun, but also getting paid for it – even better, lol”

Who or what influenced and inspired you the most at the beginning of your journey. Who or what inspires you now the most?

“The idea of joy in work really fires me up. Back in school, Hryhoriy Skovoroda's idea of "congenial work" hit me hard. True happiness, he says, is finding your groove and doing what you love. Work should be more than a paycheck, it should be exciting. But coming from a small Ukrainian town, working for passion wasn't the norm. Then when I moved to Kyiv, I stumbled upon a song lyric that nailed it: "It doesn't matter what you create if you have no fun." So true, right? It's about enjoying the whole journey, not just the result.”

How do you choose the projects and artists you work with?

“There is the wisdom my colleague told me of the three-question rule: 1 - Idea: Do I like the concept? Can I bring my own ideas to the table? 2 - Team: Is the dream team on board? Can I collaborate with the folks I want? 3 - Money: Is there moolah in it for me? Is there a budget to bring some ideas to life? If I get a solid "YES" for two out of the three, count me in for the project.”

How do you develop and work on your ideas?

“It depends on the project at hand. But generally, I kick things off by figuring out what's gonna stay with the viewer after they've watched it, you know? Like, what's that special something (or a few things) that makes this video different? And, surprisingly, it works out sometimes.”

Tell us about your pre-production process. What is important for you? What do you give more attention to?

“During pre-production, at this point it's important to me that everyone grasps the task and idea same as I do. No room for guesswork. This way, the end result will perfectly align with what was pitched to the client! And I really like to brainstorm with the team about how the project can be improved. Getting everyone as stoked as I am about the project is vital. I'm all about laying the groundwork and mixing in ideas from the team.”

Tell us about your favorite project. What makes it so important / special to you.

“Nebula, my first dip into commercial waters. It not only paved the way for subsequent projects but left me in shock with the DMs and reposts that followed its release. It was a confidence booster, even though that level of attention never came back to me, lol I've also got a super soft spot for the Betterme project too. It was a blast – so much fun that we were cracking up at times and had such a great pleasure.”

How do you balance between art and commerce in your career as a director/photographer?

“Creative projects are like my personal journey of self-discovery, showing me what really gets me jazzed. I've always been all about showcasing strong women, a theme that's been my go-to for ages. In each project, I throw women into different roles, but they always bring the vibes of strength, power, and kind of mystery. It's the theme I want to crank up more in my work because, seriously, what's more awesome? So, I'm aiming for a passion project that dives deeper into highlighting the strength of women and their role. Fingers crossed I can keep it on track!”

What do you want to achieve in the near future and on a global level?

“I'm all about diving into virtual worlds and looking to bring that vibe into my work more. Honestly, I think a big chunk of commercials is gonna be all about CGI in the next few years, if it's not already happening.”

What advice would you give yourself at the start of your journey?

“Just do it, you’ll figure it out along the way.”

Thanks, Nata Ivanova, for taking us behind the scenes of your remarkable journey.